
Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Secret Seven

           THE SECRET SEVEN - Where Are The Secret Seven?

                                                    By: ENID BLYTON

This book is about seven friends named Peter,Janet,Colin,George,Pam and Barbara who are known as the secret seven. One fine Saturday, the seven kids went on an adventure. They went to a old creepy mansion and there was a rumour that the men who lived there had a dog. The men died one day and the dog kept barking all day and night until it died. The other people who lived and worked in the mansion also left because they said that they heard a dog barking at night and sometimes during the day. The seven kids also had a dog named Scamper. They left him at home because they thought they might be too fast for the Scamper to keep up. Once they reached the mansion they went to explore. After a few minutes the kids discovered a secret door and they opened it and found lots of boxes. That's when they realised that they were not alone and suddenly two men came in. The men said that they would lock them up until they get the boxes out. They were locked in the room and tried escaping but failed. Then they heard a dog barking and remembered the rumour. But then peter yelled “it’s Scamper”. George quickly said she had an idea and wrote a note saying where they were and what had happened. They then tied it to the dogs color from a big gap under the door. They waited for a while and then heard sirens. The door opened and they saw Police and Peter’s father. They hugged Peter’s father and explained what had happened. When they sat in the car and the kids asked what were in the boxes. They were told that it had things stolen from a museum of another town. The kids were starving after their adventure. They were happy that they had solved a mystery and survived almost becoming mysteries themselves, thanks to Scamper.

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