
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Don't Get In a Mess

Don’t Make a Mess!
                              By: Sam Watking and Louise Forshaw

                                             Genre: Short story

Image result for Dont get in a mess book

This book is about Tom, Liza and Ollie getting messy. It was raining outside so they couldn't go outside. They decided to paint instead so they got some paint and paintbrush. Their dad told them not to get messy. Ollie, the youngest sibling painted his face green and went around saying “Raah, I am a monster”. Liza painted her face white and said “Woooo I am a ghost”.  Tom painted his face orange with black stripes and said “Grrrrrr I am a tiger. Their dad looked at them and said ‘’I thought I said not to get messy’’. He took them outside and said they could have a rain bath. The paint washed of soon and they all had lots of fun.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Secret Seven

           THE SECRET SEVEN - Where Are The Secret Seven?

                                                    By: ENID BLYTON

This book is about seven friends named Peter,Janet,Colin,George,Pam and Barbara who are known as the secret seven. One fine Saturday, the seven kids went on an adventure. They went to a old creepy mansion and there was a rumour that the men who lived there had a dog. The men died one day and the dog kept barking all day and night until it died. The other people who lived and worked in the mansion also left because they said that they heard a dog barking at night and sometimes during the day. The seven kids also had a dog named Scamper. They left him at home because they thought they might be too fast for the Scamper to keep up. Once they reached the mansion they went to explore. After a few minutes the kids discovered a secret door and they opened it and found lots of boxes. That's when they realised that they were not alone and suddenly two men came in. The men said that they would lock them up until they get the boxes out. They were locked in the room and tried escaping but failed. Then they heard a dog barking and remembered the rumour. But then peter yelled “it’s Scamper”. George quickly said she had an idea and wrote a note saying where they were and what had happened. They then tied it to the dogs color from a big gap under the door. They waited for a while and then heard sirens. The door opened and they saw Police and Peter’s father. They hugged Peter’s father and explained what had happened. When they sat in the car and the kids asked what were in the boxes. They were told that it had things stolen from a museum of another town. The kids were starving after their adventure. They were happy that they had solved a mystery and survived almost becoming mysteries themselves, thanks to Scamper.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Self and buddy Evaluation

How can we take care of our planet earth?

Pollution  is a major problem to the environment because it harms our marine life and other things as well.
For example it pollutes the sea water and our Native sea animals including our coral Reef ,that are dying along with
our ecosystem. This makes it hard to breath or even survive.We throw single use plastic bags away but we don't
realize how much it affects the environment.We can plant more trees. Trees are being cut down to make paper,
furniture, pencil but at the same time we should cut down and plant more trees. We should do everything we can to
make our earth better and healthier if we stop polluting,wasting water,stop doing
things that might affect the environment.


After looking at my writing sample i looked at my writing rubric to see if i am a stage 4 or 5 then i used the Self Evaluation to rate our level of using Punctuation, Vocab, Sentence Structure, ideas.Joel was my Partner (Buddy) we did this work collaboratively to do this task and helped each other telling what we needed to improve on and what i had done.My partner thinks that i had added detailed information.

Stretching Sentences

This week LS2 learned how to stretch sentences using the 5 W's. What we did to learn how to stretch a sentence was we did 2 words 1 minute. We needed to try and stretch our sentences using the 5 w's. When we use the 5 w's we are adding more information and detail to our story.

Making a Bad Choice

This week I created a DLO \ Poster about the consequence of a bad choice. Constable Cyrus \ Police came and talked to us about drugs and what happens to our body. After that we created a poster to tell how drunk driving can effect our family and friends and how it is harmful. In my poster I explained the effects of drunk driving and a story about two best friends that i read about.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Kiwi Can

This week we had Kiwi Can. Miss Page and Mrs Mac was our Kiwi Can teacher's. we played A's and B's we had to chose a A and a B we had to be close to our A and be away form our B and we were not supposed tell anyone who our A's and B's were. The next game we played was magic shoes in which we were split into four team's each team had seven players each. One person from each team had magic shoes and they had to get there team through the toxic river and the person that does not have magic shoes can not touch the toxic river which means they had to pick them up or piggi back them. I really enjoy Kiwi Can.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Brando Yelavich (Wild Boy)


 This week on reading, my reading group and I did reciprocal reading on a book called wild boy. It was about a boy who's name is Brando Yelavich and he wanted to be the the first person to walk around New Zealand's entire coastline. He also wrote a book about his adventurer and their are articles about him. I really enjoyed reading about him and I learned about how he survived in the wild life. And I learned that we should try taking risks and explore the world more. 

Click here to get a better look at my D.L.O about Brando Yelavich - Wild Boy

Friday, March 8, 2019

The Secret Garden


Genre: My Choice

This story is about a girl whose name is Mary. Her parents didn't love her or care about her.Mary's parents died in an earthquake so Mary had to go stay with her uncle. Her aunt had died and her uncle didn't have time for Mary because he was busy with his own work.Mary didn't have any friends until she met a boy whose name was Dickon who was the brother of the maid who took care of Mary at her uncle's house. One day Mary heard a boy cry and later found out that she had a cousin whose name was Colin and was kept hidden because people thought he was sick but he was just weak because he had never walked before. Later that day Mary followed a bird which led her to a secret garden. She was told by the gardener that her uncle has closed the garden and it was forbidden to go there. Mary found the key to the garden and secretly Dickon and she started to plant flowers. Dicken told Mary that her aunt had died in that garden and that is why her uncle closed it and started ignoring Colin. . Mary soon brought her cousin Colin to the secret garden where he learned to walk. Suddenly one day Mary's uncle wanted to see Colin and meet Mary he found them at the garden with Dickon. Her uncle hugged them tight, played games with them and promised them that things will be different, that he will not neglect the children anymore. All the children walked back from the garden to the house and the maids and servants in the house shrieked, as they had not known that Colin had started walking.  It was the children’s little secret and it was all possible because of the secret garden.

Genre: Comic

This story is about two girls who move to California with their family. Once they are in their new neighbourhood they find out that the place is famous for ghost appearances. Catrina and Maya meet their neighbours son, Carlos who gives them a ghost tour. Catrina did not believe much in ghosts but Maya was very excited about the tour. He took them to a famous place in the area called the Mission On Top Of The Hill. Maya was a sickly child and often had breathing problem. During the tour she became sick and had to be taken to the hospital. The girls were told that in this town there was a festival to welcome the dead. The day of the festival, Maya was still sick so Catrina went to the festival with her school friends. There she met actual ghosts and saw everyone interacting with the dead. She even met Carlos’s uncles ghost who had died at a young age. All this was very normal in this town. Catrina did not feel scared. She went home with Carlos and his uncle’s ghost so that Maya could meet the ghost too. They played with the ghost and had lots of fun. Later in the night, they smelt lovely food. Catrina’s parents woke up and asked the girls if they had prepared dinner who were also surprised where the smell was coming from. They went to the kitchen and found lovely meal prepared for them. No one knew who prepared it but in a town where ghost appearing is normal, who would question the surprise preparation of a meal. Everyone enjoyed the meal and had heaps of fun.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Kiwi Can

This week on Wednesday we had Kiwi Can with Miss Page and Mr Alabati we played Tug a war in which we had to split into four teams. One player from each team had to go in the middle and they were given a hola hoop and the had to pull it and touch the cone that was placed near their team.The next game we played was Kickball we have to teams one is the fielding team and the other one is the kicking team so for the kicking team the first person in line kicks the ball and the fielding team has to get the ball and try to hit the person who kicked the ball while the the person who kicked the ball has to run across without getting hit. I really enjoyed Kiwi Can.

Current Events

This week my collaborative group did DLO about Current Events the first one is about the Tasman glacier breaking up and the second one is about a Japanese spacecraft landing on asteroid. We picked two article's to read and explain. I learnt about current events that are happening around the world. We used Kiwi Kids News and i found it really interesting and from now onward i will use that site to get my daily news.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Kiwi sport

This week for kiwi sport which is our forth week. We played two games (Ki o rahi)

The first game we played we had to line up around the cones that was the shape of circle.We had to kick the ball in the circle. All of us had a turn kicking the ball after kicking it we had go inside the circle and wait for the other person to kick and we tried to catch it.

The next game we played was Golden Child for this game we were split into two teams.One team had to stand inside the circle and try to hit the Tupu while the other team had to run around the circle and try hitting pou.