
Monday, December 2, 2019

10 syllables ( short story of Romeo and Juliet)

Long- a- go- their- were- two- fam- a- lies.
The- mon- ta- gues- and- the- cap- u lets- ts.
Ro- me- o- is- the- son- os- mon- ta- gues .
Cap- u- let-had- a - daugh- ter- Ju- li- et.
The- Cap- u- lets- had- aran-ged- a- part- y.
Ro- me- o- and- his- friend- went- in- dis- guise.
Ro- me- o- sees- Ju- li- et- at- her- house.
Ju- li- ets- cou- sin-Ty-bault- got- ang-ry.
Ty- bault- faught- Ro- me- os- friend- and- killed- him.
Ro- me- o- got- up- set- and- killed- Ty- bault.
Ro- me- o- and- Ju- li- et- got- mar- ried.
Ju- li- ets- fa- ther- wants- her- with- Pa- ris.
Ju- li- ets- goes- to- meet- Fa- ar- law- rence.
Friar- law- rence- had- gave- her- a- potion.
The- po- tion- puts- her- to- sleep- for- two-days.
Ro- me-o- thought- that- Ju- li- et- was- dead.
Ju- li- ets- woke- up- and- saw- what- hap- pened.
Ju- li- ets- used- a knife- to - take- her- life.

Today we wrote a summary about Romeo and Juliet but we did it differently. We used only ten syllables because William Shakespeare (the author of Romeo and Juliet) always wrote his scripts in ten syllables. I had a lot of fun doing this activity. 


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