
Friday, April 19, 2019

Malala Yousafzai

                                                                          Malala Yousafzai
                                                                       Author: Julia Adams
                                                                       Genre: Biography
Image result for malalaImage result for brave girl story books by Julia Adams

Malala Yousafzai was born in Mingora, a city in the Swat Valley in the northwestern Pakistan. She went to Khushal Public School which was ran by her father Ziauddin. When Malala was ten years old a religious group of people who believe in Strict Scripture in a religion known as the Taliban. The Taliban started to take over some parts of pakistan and they stopped the people watching television and music and women could not leave their houses simply means that those things were outlawed. In 2008 the Taliban banned girls from going to school in Swat Valley and Banned teachers from teaching girls. But Malala’s father Ziauddin and many other school principal refused. Then the Taliban started to blow up girls school. When Malala was eleven the British Broadcasting corporation (BBC) journalists contacted Malala’s father and asked him if he knew any schoolgirl who would be able to write about life under the Taliban. Malala’s father suggested Malala. Malala started her own online diary for the BBC in January 2009 to avoid getting targeted Malala used a fake name for the blog. Malala’s parents were very proud of her bravery and confidence but they were also worried. Malala’s father was a very well known campaigner for human rights and female education. And sure enough he did receive death threats. Later that year the Pakistan army had driven the Triban out of mingora. Malala was interviewed on television she spoke openly about the thing and deficaties the girls still faced when they went to school because of the Taliban group outside the city. Malala countied to appear on television even after her BBc blog got public on December 2009. On 2011 Malala receive the international children peace prize and she even won the Pakistan’s Youth Peace prize. Sure enough she was also receiving death threats too. On 9 October 2012 and Taliban gunman shot Malala in the forehead two other girls were wonned in the attack. Malala survived but was in coma for nearly a fortnight she received hours of surgery during this period she even got flawn to the UK for Specialist treatment. People all around the world now follows malala's story. When Malala turned 11 she demanded the headquarters of the New York city USA that children have all rights. She founded the Malala Fund to raise money and help the girls who missed out on education. On 2014 she became the youngest person to receive the nobel prize.

Today i wrote a story based on Malala she is one of my favourite people from the book of brave women. I really enjoyed writing about her i also found out some extra details. Writing about Malala was really interesting.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

WW1 Transporter ship

This week Matthew, Viliami, Joel, Nidhi worked together creating this DLO. This DLO tells us about the troopship or transport ship that was used in World War one. While reaching about these information we have found out a lot of interesting facts. All of us worked collaboratively gathering these information. Making this DLO was a lot of fun and we have learnt a lot of things.  

Continents Of The World

In Inquiry we have been focusing about the continents of the world this relates to General knowledge. During our learning experience about getting to know about the worlds continents Nidhi and I worked collaboratively on a DLO about the 7 continents of the world. We have learnt a lot of new things about these continents including the countries that are home to these 7 continents. Did you know that each continent has its own ocean like Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe, North america. We have pulled together a DLO that will explain information about the different continents and the oceans.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Why its important to have a positive relationship

Why are positive relationships important?

A positive relationship is when we have a really good relationship with someone. Having a positive relationship is very important because it helps us in many ways, as we have someone that we can share our feelings with, talk to during hard times and have someone who can show us empathy when we need it. We have someone that we can take advice from and also have someone that is very close to us or someone we can count on, during emergencies. It is important to note that it is called a positive “relationship” meaning it is about give and take. As a person we should also empathise with the people around us and give back to them the trust and support they offer us.

We can have positive relationships with other people by actively listening to the conversations that they are having. We should open our hearts and find courage to trust. This will make it easier to share our problems with another trustworthy person. We should also learn to be understanding and more empathetic. Sometimes we have to really get in a person's shoes to understand what they are going through.

I have a positive relationship with my parents. I can trust them and they encourage me during hard times, times when I feel very upset or if I am having trouble with something. My parents are always there for me and support me in every way they can. I am open with my parents and am able to tell them them everything without the fear of being judged. They are able to tell me when I do something wrong which helps me improve in many ways. I try to understand my parents feelings and shortcomings. I understand my parents are not able to give me everything I want and when I want it and the say that it shows a lot of maturity. My parents and I think of our little family as a team, where everyone plays a part and everyone is important.

Therefore it is important to have positive relationship with the people around you. Friendship is a two way system, you give others what they give you in honesty, support, trust and laughter.

By Nidhi

This week I wrote a explanation about why its important to have a positive relationship with others. In the first paragraph i have explained what positive relationship is and how i return the favour, in the second paragraph I have explained how we can have a positive relationship and in and in the last paragraph i have explained who i have a positive relationship with and what i do to show that i have a positive relationship.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Flip book

This week i created a flip book that had my day 1 to day 4 camp dairy reflection. Now i can send this to everyone in my family to see what i did at camp even i can look back at it in case my camp dairy got lost or if something happens to it. In this dairy i have written all things we did at camp and the thing i ate. I wold love to go to Camp at kokako lodge again.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Photo Story

This week i created a photo story that reflects on camp. I created this photo story by using some of the photos that were taken of us during the morning, day and afternoon. This photo story reminds me of the things i did during the day and afternoon. It was a very fun camp at Kokako Lodge. I would definitely go there again for camping.

Camp Collage

This week i did a collage using all our photos from camp. We did raft building, kayaking, archery, high ropes, orienteering and abseiling we also did a pancake race. In this collage i have used some of the photos of the different activity's we did. I loved everything we did at camp, If I could go back to camp I would. This collage reminds me of camp a lot.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Leading my School Assembly

Week seven of term one I earned a Care Award by leading the the school assembly. Giovanni and I led the school assembly. It was my first time doing this and I felt really nervous. After the assembly I felt really good because I was able to do it and was told by my teacher Mrs Anderson and some of my friends that I did really well and was proud of myself.