
Thursday, June 20, 2019

Kiwi Can

This week for Kiwi Can our them is reliability it means when you have to rely on something, for example I have to rely on my Chromebook because I use it every day. We did a game where we had rely on our partner. For this game we had to get in two pairs and one person had to go behind there partner and was blind folded so they person who was blind folded had to rely on there partner who is in front of them to protect them. Then we played the same game but no one was bling folded. We then played another game which was Q&R in this game we sat in a circle and then one person stands up and Mrs Mac asked a question who ever gets it correct first gets to play with the person next to them. I had a lot of fun at Kiwi Can.


This week for tech at Tamaki collage with Mrs Munoz and Mr Dunn I learned how to program my mBot to sense things so it doesn't bump into staff. First we went into our Key words and we typed in the meaning of Algorithm. Then we logged into mBlock and started to code our mBot. I had to do a few attempts to get it right. I was able to get my mBot to sense objects that were in the way and I was also able to get my mBot to go around things. I had a really good time at tech and I really enjoyed it. Thank you Mr Dunn and Mrs Munoz.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Ballet with Chole

This week LS2 did ballet with Chloe from (RNZB)- Royal New Zealand Ballet in Wellington. In this Ballet session we learnt a contemporary dance from the current show Black Swan, White Swan. The show Black Swan, White swan is based on Swan Lake. I would like to say a big thank you to Miss Jones for arranging this for us and to Chloe for all the way from Wellington to take this session with us.